Eating costs money. You need money to buy present. Don't eat that extra food as it makes the stress worse.
You find the money for the food, you will find it for the gifts. Besides, you don't need to go all out on them. We all have to learn less is more at times.
Deep breaths and a little walking. Don't stress about this, they won't have a horrible christmas without presents.
Roxie, as harsh as it was to read your reply. It hit home for me. Thank you for being such an amazing friend. You are honest and loving, and I need that right now.
Look at it this way:
ReplyDeleteEating costs money. You need money to buy present. Don't eat that extra food as it makes the stress worse.
You find the money for the food, you will find it for the gifts. Besides, you don't need to go all out on them. We all have to learn less is more at times.
Deep breaths and a little walking. Don't stress about this, they won't have a horrible christmas without presents.
Roxie, as harsh as it was to read your reply. It hit home for me. Thank you for being such an amazing friend. You are honest and loving, and I need that right now.