So today I met with Dr. Maher. My first thought when I met him was, EGADS! This man scares me! :( He is a rather large and tall man, but he does have a sweet and kind demeanor. He was very wise, and had alot of real information. He did change one major thing.... I am no longer getting the Gastric Bypass Surgery, instead he is having me get the Gastric Sleeve Surgery.
The difference you ask? Well let me explain...
Gastic Bypass looks like this :
Basically during the GBS they cut the stomach, the intestines, and then reroute everything through a new way.
Gastric Sleeve looks like this :
Basically during the GSS they cut out 70 to 85% of the stomach and remove it. Nothing gets rerouted at all.
And because of the rerouting of the intestines, the malabsorption is greater...but see, I am not the normal girl in this world. I have Celiac's Disease. Which makes me already malabsorbed. So add in the malabsorption from the surgery, and I am screwed. So there you have it. I am now walking down the Gastric Sleeve Surgery path.
So there is one HUGE thing that I have to do before surgery. :( Get my fat ass down to 285 pounds. Did you read that?! Under 300 pounds?!? EGADS!!! Is it possible? For me to do this, I have to loose....*adds and subtracts and grumbles in her mind*..... Twenty-Six POUNDS! 2..6...POUNDS!!!! Can I do that?!?! :( Can I really do this? I am scared, I am petrified, I am... going to do it. I just need to figure out how.... Dr. Maher suggested doing the Weight Watchers Diet. I guess I could do that. It should be easy..right?
Oh hell, I think I will lose my mind before I lose the weight!
So here are my newest goals:
1. Get my fat ass movin!
2. Go cold turkey on any type of fizzy soda!
3. LOSE 26 POUNDS ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good luck to you. I have lost weight on Weight Watchers so it is doable. I think any program can work for you if you are determined to succeed. *hugs*